What Are Business Expenses For Taxes?

There are three simple questions you can ask to determine whether an expense is tax deductible: The first question is “Is this expense reasonable, ordinary or necessary?” For example, it would be reasonable for a doctor to buy medical equipment. It would...

Is This Activity A Business Or A Hobby?

In order for an expense to be tax deductible, you must incur it for a business, and not for a hobby. It you want to deduct an expense, the IRS will apply a Facts and Circumstances Test to answer the question “Is this activity a business, or a hobby?” If...

Filing And Paying Back Taxes

If you haven’t filed a tax return in a while, you may be wondering what options you have. It is in your best interest to file those back tax returns as soon as possible. You might be surprised to learn that filing back taxes may be the simplest way to get out of...

Help! I Am Being Audited

If you are being audited, you’re going to suffer some damages, be it in time, comfort, convenience or money. What you can do is control the amount of damage. What Does a Tax Audit Look Like? Line-by-line audits These tax audits request information about...